Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I have been a longtime fan of Flickr, one of the many online photo sharing Web sites out there. It is such a great way to share major events, daily life, and your world with friends, family and even strangers if you choose. If you have a digital camera, then nothing should be stopping you. Don't know what I'm talking about? Then watch this Common Craft video to learn about Online Photo Sharing in Plain English:

Here's an example of the power of sharing photos online. Take this photo, for example:

It was originally a sign of a sheep, but was industriously changed into an elephant.(By bored teens wielding sharpies I assume.) It definitely got a laugh out of us, and we just had to stop and photograph it.

Just out of curiosity, I searched Flickr for other elephant road signs, and got over 2,000 results! Who would have thought that something as random as an elephant road sign would be such a fun window to the world?

I feel oddly connected to the people who posted similar pictures; we were obviously all travelers reveling in a new landscape. But this connection shouldn't be too surprising, given the power of pictures.

For this very reason, libraries benefit from having photos online. Post pictures of spaces, events and staff and get connected with your users, your community, and the anyone else who happens across your photos.

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