Monday, April 7, 2008


Social bookmarking... what can I say? I love it! First of all, it allows me to take my bookmarks with me where ever I go, organize them, make notes about them (I always found the small box for my browser bookmarks to be too constrictive any), and share them with the world... And likewise, see what the world is bookmarking. It's even a good PR tool for your own web resources.

Watch this Common Craft video (I heart their work!) to learn "Social Bookmarking in Plain Language": is probably one of the most widely used social bookmarking sites out there. It is free and easy to tag anything from your Dr's Web site to your favorite recipes or flickr accounts. BUT think of the professional uses as well. I can organize my most frequented (and not so frequented) reference Web sites. To accommodate users familiar with tagging, I could publish my cloud tag to my library's Web page. I could... (insert fascinating use here.)

The next time I'm doing research, or have a research partner, I can imagine a bookmarking application like Citeulike coming in really handy. This free service helps you to store, organize and share the scholarly papers you are reading. Not to mention that it gathers citation details that one can then export to Endnote. This service could possibly do for organizing research what the word processor or xerox machine did for office production. (And maybe save some paper too.)


  1. Thanks! That was very informative and cool. I shall social bookmark from now on!!!!

  2. Glad you found it informative, Sam.
