Monday, August 16, 2010

Birthday Booty!

My DH gave me my birthday present this morning. He totally surprised me by getting a Nook e-reader. I have a Nook, I have a Nook, I have a Nook! I've been talking about wanting one "someday" for some time. I guess all my hinting paid off. Obviously, I just took it out the box and left it to charge this morning, so I can only tell you what I'm excited about. Ahem:

1. It's the Wifi version which was cheaper than the 3G and I don't need to be able to connect at all times to download books and media. But I can still connect at all AT&T hotspots and, of course, anywhere there is free wireless.
2. I can borrow OverDrive books from the library! My biggest issue with the Kindle was having to *gasp* BUY books from Amazon.
3. Popular Science just ran an article about how to hack the nook for things like a Twitter feed. Word.
4. It will sync books to my iPhone... soon they will have a page sync feature so each device will know where I left off.
5. I can "lend" books in my library to friends. Now, I just need another friend with a Nook to let the sharing begin!

And there is more, but those are the highlights. Lot's of reviews available out there too, if you're in the market.

As a librarian I feel I have to defend my love of the physical book. It hasn't gone away. But now I can reserve room in my carry-on for things like shoes and a change of clothes instead of books.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Copyright knowledge is one of those things for me that is in the category of "Use It or Lose It." I am often guilty of wanting to put my hands over my ears and sing "LA LA LA LA" to stay ignorant of what people are doing with the articles that they request once I order them.

Other times, I just arch my back and hiss "That would be copyright infringement!" as a gut reaction. Then after I think about it and review the wording of the law and guidelines, I often think that I may have overreacted... Just maybe.

Today I discovered this very informative video from the Copyright Clearance Center. They managed to keep it short (7 minutes), informative (not confusing), and interesting (Mostly because they didn't skimp on production. It features high-quality, good looking animation.)

Next time you get stuck on a simple copyright question check it out:
"Copyright Basics - The Video" can be found here: